Zeta Kappa Alumni Board Meeting
Meeting Minutes of 01/24/18
- EC Bill Davies at Marie Calendar’s Restaurant, Cedar and Shaw, 6:04 PM, called the Meeting of the ZK Alumni Board to order.
- Attending: EC Bill Davies (ZK353), LC Ron Manfredi (ZK 306), Recorder Dennis Pope (ZK 351), Scholarship Chairman Ken Peaslee (ZK 367), Collegiate Chapter Advisor George Grim (ZK 578) ), Treasurer Mike Golden (ZK 300), Social Chairman Felipe Arballo (ZK705),
- Collegiate Chapter Representatives: EC AaronTesa (ZK875) & House Manager Nicholas Tregembo (ZK 884).
- EC Report-Bill laid out his ideas for ZK Alumni Chapter for the year
- Review contacts and records to instill interest on a pledge class basis for our major upcoming events-especially the 150 th anniversary of Sigma Nu in 2019
- Matching up alumni with soon to be graduating collegiate brothers for mentoring.
- Forming a House Board to mentor collegiate chapter officers
- Build a complete ZK alumni list from ZK 1- current (HQ has the ability to compile one for us)
- Hold a Senior Knight-a dinner for graduating collegiate brothers welcoming them into the Alumni Chapter (Ritual and Pins are available
- Treasurer’s Report: Building fund $72,811.64 , LDB Scholarship fund $18,605.79, other accounts balance $2,880.65, EECU Checking $332.38, EECU Savings.
- Mike discussed the need to reconfigure the allocation for website maintenance, we can’t afford the current charges for much longer, a call is in to Chris Healy to see if we can get a different arrangement that we can afford.
- Chapter support, helping chapter with expenses like Grand Chapter and College of Chapter as well as other activities that benefit the entire chapter, needs bills-credit card charges-sales receipts before a check is issued.
- Social: Felipe discussed the need for personal individualized in touch actions (birthday cards, congratulations on job promotions, etc) as opposed to numerous events that have failed to attract a larger number of ZK alumni. We still we have events but less often- looking at Homecoming, Parents Day & Preference Dinner. Most other Sigma Nu chapters in our region have 2 or less events. Looking to use social media more, Facebook, Linkedin, Etc.
- Scholarships: Scholarships for last Spring Semester were awarded by Ken as follows: 1 at $500 to Nicholas Tregembo (ZK 884), 2 at $250 to Aaron Tesei (ZK 875), and Bernardo Pulido (ZK 889), both Nicholas and Aaron were on hand to receive their checks, Congratulations.
- Active Chapter: there are 5 new initiates and 19 members. George informed the Alumni Chapter that there is a major accounting problem with the Collegiate Chapter and possible embezzlement by the former treasurer and EC. Present past due amounts to National Headquarters is $4,782.00. The Collegiate Chapter has been in contact with National and has been advised to get a CPA to verify the loss and then make a police report in order to place an insurance claim for the loss.
- Old Business: 150 th Anniversary Committee Steve Kelly (ZK 363), Jonathan Martin (ZK 761), Felipe Arballo (ZK 705) and Nicholas Tregembo (ZK 884)
- New Business:
- Website maintenance costs-tabled to next month allowing Mike time to contact Chris and see what can be done.
- Motion: To front money to the chapter for National HQ fees
up to $4,800 with the stipulation that if HQ will be requiring less than the $4,800, the amount of the check is dropped to the lesser dollar amount and if nothing is required from the chapter other than a payment plan, no check will be written. Moved, Seconded and Passed. - Motion: To donate in the name of Harry Armstrong (ZK 366) $250 to Miss Winkles Pet Adoption in Clovis (money to come from the unused scholarship funds), additional donations are welcomed and will be added to the check that will be presented in Harry’s name at the 3/10/18 fund raising dinner at the Clovis Veterans Memorial Building. Moved, Seconded and Passed.
Next Board meeting: February 21, 2018 at 6:00 p.m., Marie Calendar’s Cedar and Shaw. All alumni are invited.
Meeting adjourned at 8:15 PM