Zeta Kappa Alumni Board Meeting
Meeting Minutes of 04/26/17
- EC Steve Kelly at Marie Calendar’s Restaurant, Cedar and Shaw, 6:21 PM, called the Meeting of the ZK Alumni Board to order.
- Attending: EC Steve Kelly (ZK 363), LC Ron Manfredi (ZK 306), Recorder Bill Davies (ZK 353), Scholarship Chairman Ken Peaslee (ZK 367), Treasurer Mike Golden (ZK 300) Social Chairman Felipe Arballo (ZK 705), Collegiate Chapter Advisor George Grim (ZK 578)
- Visiting alumni: Chip Putnam (ZK 279), Rod Rimmer (ZK 287), Chris Healy (ZK 701)
- Collegiate Chapter Representative: Ismael Rivera (ZK 866)
- Treasurers Report: presented to board and accepted.
- Slight changes noted because of market fluctuation.
- Dues ($50) are due July 1st or started anytime during the year by sending $5 monthly with annual anniversary from date received and can be mailed to Mike Golden at 2016 San Gabriel Ave., Clovis 93612-4149. Your support is appreciated.
- Social:
- Alumni social event planned every third month. This will take place at the Elbow Room at Shaw and Palm, at 6:00 P.M.
- Scholarships: Scholarship applications were distributed. No applications have been received by the deadline. Two late applications were not accepted because they were late. Active Chapter
- New EC Arron Tesei list of new officers and contact information forthcoming. Headquarters visit next week.
- Old Business: The meeting dates for all future Board meeting will now take place on the 4th Wednesday of each month at a location to be named in the minutes.
- Email BimonthlyAlumni updatesPictures and videos of eventsGreek news
- New Business – Anniversary celebration 150th year of Sigma Nu in 2019. It is time to get things working!
- Next Board meeting: May 24th at 6:00 p.m., Marie Calendar’s Cedar and Shaw. All alumni are invited.
- Meeting adjourned at 7:30 PM